Privacy policy


Privacy policy

Dear Visitors,

Hotel Oltenia manages all personal data received during the use of the web pages in accordance with the provisions of the legislation in force on the protection of personal data and the dissemination of data of public interest (in accordance with Law 677/2001).
In case you voluntarily make available to Hotel Oltenia any personal data, you hereby agree that Hotel Oltenia – for the purpose and for the duration determined by the specifics of the transaction – will record these data and administer them.
Hotel Oltenia uses personal information to provide you with services and to better understand your needs and interests to help you complete transactions or orders, communicate with you to provide you with services and support to keep you up to date current services, special and seasonal offers and personalized promotions.
Occasionally, we may use the information to contact you for market research regarding the services we provide, however, in order to optimize the services offered and to meet your requirements.
The protection of personal data you have provided to us is of great importance for Hotel Oltenia. We respect the privacy and security of the information provided by you when you use this website, including personal data, for which we have created and apply this Privacy Policy.

Data recording

There is no need to provide personal data to read the information on the portal.
However, certain personal data is required for the use of services (eg on-line reservations, job vacancies).
For the purpose of the technical exploitation of the portal, Hotel Oltenia temporarily uses the following information – which does not contain personal data – which automatically appear to the site administrator:

* Internet Protocol (IP) address,
* domain name (URL),
* access data,
* client access file (file name and URL),
* HTTP password response code,
* Web page access data,
* the amount of bits consumed during the visit,
* Date of visit,
* data of the pages,
* browser name.

Use and transmission of data

Whenever the Hotel Oltenia wishes to use the data provided for a purpose other than the one for which the original registration was made, it informs the person concerned and asks for his prior approval, giving him the opportunity to return whenever he wishes the consent of. Under no circumstances will Oltenia Hotel transmit to a third person – except for the statutory situations provided by the law, or without the consent of the person concerned – the personal data that he administers. Hotel Oltenia uses personal data that you have provided, but not exclusively for the following purposes:

* market research, market analysis,
* analyzing customer habits,
* drawing up statistics for visitors,
* Communicating information about new products and services,
* Communicating information about various price cuts,
* Solving customer complaints,
* honoring orders.

Hotel Oltenia manages all the information related to the person and to the personal data of the clients, partners and other parties in a secret business regime. Only the data provider in question can leave the business secret under management.
Credit card data is used exclusively for payment processing and fraud prevention.
Personal data may be disclosed to third parties without your consent in case of litigation, as well as in respect of payment fraud, in accordance with the provisions of Law 656/2002.

Data security

In order to avoid misuse of personal data and abuse, Hotel Oltenia uses complex security methods and technologies, along with employee policies and procedures, to protect personal data collected in accordance with applicable law.
The site may contain links to other websites, other than our control, useful websites for you. If you access these links, you will access / visit websites that may have a privacy policy different from that of Hotel Oltenia.


In case of written requests, our company informs those interested in how to manage their personal data.
In accordance with the provisions of Law 677/2001 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of such data, the users of the site declare that they agree to process these data directly.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that from the web pages of Hotel Oltenia you can reach the websites of other companies and organizations, Oltenia Hotel does not assume the responsibility for the content and the correctness of the data communicated therein, nor for the protection of your data.
If you use such webpages, we encourage you to be interested in the data protection policy of the organization that opened the page.


The privacy policy is subject to Romanian legislation in force. In the event of litigation, an amicable settlement first will be attempted within 30 business days of filing the complaint at the operator’s premises. If an agreement can not be reached within the above mentioned deadline, the jurisdiction of the same administrative structure with SC Tubomet SRL will be considered competent.

Contact Us

Your opinion is important to us. If you have any comments or questions about our privacy policy, please contact us at

Thank you!